gabby gabs
Gabby Gabs
passion, persistence, and apartment horror stories w/ marissa neola

passion, persistence, and apartment horror stories w/ marissa neola

Gabby gabs with dancer and choreographer, Marissa Neola, about passion, persistence, and apartment horror stories. 

This is Part 1 of a 2-part conversation around Marissa's evolution as an artist, the role faith plays in her life as a dancer, and the ups and downs of following your dreams whole-heartedly. 

WELCOME BACK! I am so excited to share this episode with my dear friend and former roommate, Rissa. Beware of incessant giggles and recollections of good times. 

Follow Marissa @marissaneola on all platforms and make sure to check out Part 2: Gab w/ Marissa Neola

I love you for listening! Can't wait to share more soon. :) 

<3, gabby